Thursday, 6 March 2025

Sketching Waterworks Food Hall

 SUNDAY MARCH 9, 2025 | 2:00-4:00 PM

The Foodhall is a 55,000-square-foot heritage ArtDeco building in Toronto’s downtown core that’s home to a lineup of the city’s favourite food vendors. Its development inspired by great European food halls, with cheerful and stately art spheres hung from soaring ceilings, it is bright and inviting, and truly sketchable.

2:00PM - Let’s meet by Boxcar Social cafe in the Foodhall for a quick 10-min optional meet and greet and then disperse to sketch individually or in small groups.
4:00PM - Head over to the West Annex for our throwdown to share sketches, chat, and take a group photo. The West Annex is the room behind Harry’s Charbroiled.

1) We are sketchers as well as patrons of the Foodhall. Please do enjoy the space and its various food and beverage offerings.
2) Please keep drawing materials and equipment to a minimum as we will be in a public space with other patrons of the Foodhall. There are plenty of seats, no need to bring sketch chairs/stools.
3) Please do not block pedestrian traffic and treat security with courtesy.

Tag @waterworksto in your social media posts—they would love to see your sketches!

Where: Waterworks Foodhall - 50 Brant Street, Toronto (closest major intersection is Spadina Ave and Richmond St West)
When: Sunday, March 9 - 2 to 4pm
Hosts: Vivian Soetikno (@vfsoetikno) & Natalie (@natalie.dauntless)

Saturday, 15 February 2025

[SIGN UP REQUIRED] Sketching Meridian Arts Centre - Orchestra Toronto Rehearsal/Soundcheck

 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2025 | 11AM-12:45PM

Sketching Meridian Arts Centre - Orchestra Toronto Dress Rehearsal/Soundcheck


We have been invited to sketch by Orchestra Toronto as they rehearse Virtuosic Journeys! This is an exciting chance to capture the dynamic energy of their musicians as they prepare for the concert later in the day - an experience that offers both creative inspiration and the chance to observe the orchestra up close. Sign up is required via Google Form:  
Sign up closes on Thursday February 20.

Please note this is at Meridian Arts Centre (5040 Yonge St, North York), not Meridian Hall.

They are also graciously offering us a discount code for orchestra tickets later in the day, which extends to the sketchers attending and we will email this code to participants only.
10 selected sketches will earn their artists complimentary tickets to a future 24/25 season performance. This selection will be made by the Orchestra Toronto Executive Director Alysha at our throwdown. They would also be happy to tag artists on social media and provide credits wherever possible, etc.

Event: Orchestra Toronto Dress Rehearsal/Soundcheck
Date: Sunday, February 23, 2025
Time: 11:00AM - 12:45PM, with concert attendance at 3:00PM for those who purchased tickets
Location: Meridian Arts Centre (5040 Yonge Street)

11am - Meet at entrance of Meridian Arts Centre to check in for short orientation with host
11:15am - Alysha from Orchestra Toronto will meet us for orientation with her and we will then disperse throughout the audience and balcony to sketch from preferred vantage point
12:15pm - We'll exit the hall for our throwdown and group photo. Alysha will select the 10 sketches for Orchestra Toronto, from the sketchers who are interested.
More information about the performance:

[ROM TICKET REQUIRED] Sketching at the ROM's Third Tuesday Night Free

 TUESDAY FEBRUARY 18, 2025 | 6-8PM

Sketching at the ROM's Third Tuesday Night Free


We're returning to the Royal Ontario Museum for their Third Tuesday Nights Free! The general admission areas are free for all visitors. Please feel free to tag the ROM in your social media posts at @romtoronto, as well as @usktoronto!
Important things to remember:
  • ROM ticket required, instructions below. Tickets may be limited so please sign up beforehand.
  • As this is a museum please use discretion with seating and materials. Do not impede pedestrian traffic.
  • The ROM permits dry materials only; pencils, coloured pencils, and crayons are allowed. Paints and permanent markers are prohibited.
  • If you need to borrow a stool from the ROM, please visit Customer Service to check if any are available.
  • There is a new security check upon entering the museum. Please pack accordingly.

Where: Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)
Address: 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto
When: 6pm-8pm
Host: Natalie (@natalie.dauntless)

6pm - At our sketch meetup starting time 6pm we will meet in the main courtyard with the dinosaurs and do a quick meet and greet/intro
6:15pm - disperse to sketch individually or small groups depending on preference.
8pm - We’ll meet up at the dinosaur for the throwdown to share our sketches.

To reserve the tickets, visit (, select the 18th of February. Click on General Admission + 3rd Tuesday Night Free and select continue. The time slots after 4 PM will appear and free tickets can be booked.
If you wish to add on any of the featured exhibitions, tickets will be available upon arrival at the museum for a surcharge. The current featured exhibitions are Auschwitz. Not Long Ago. Not Far Away., Nature In Brilliant Colour and Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024. As space is limited, the ROM encourages all visitors who wish to see these exhibitions to purchase their tickets upgrades at the start of their visit.

More info on Third Tuesday Night Free:
Special Exhibits:
Auschwitz. Not Long Ago. Not Far Away.
Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2024

Thursday, 12 December 2024

A Holiday Season with Faber-Castell


FREE Giveaways, Demos, Testing, Raffle Prizes, Special Offers
from the World’s Oldest Manufacturer of drawing & creative arts products
Saturday December 14th, 2024, 11am - 3pm
Distillery District College Boreal, 60 Distillery Lane, Toronto
Event held at Ground Floor area - fully accessible
Faber-Castell Door Gift Bag for first 30 participants -
Doors Open at 11am
11-12pm Faber-Castell Markers Demo by Hasibush Shaheed (Hasib)
12 - 1pm Faber-Castell Pencils Demo by Gorilla Brigade (Riad)
1 - 2pm Sketch-the-Sketcher (please bring usual gear to sketch each other)
2 - 3pm Parallel Demos in both Marker and Pencil
Free testing of Faber-Castell pencils & markers, free Create Your Own Xmas Card
Faber-Castell $100, $200 and $300 value prizes drawn through Event
Special offers from Gwartzman's Art Supplies
This FREE event is open to all interested in Art Supplies - please share with Friends and Family

Hosted by Marek Badzynski