Tuesday 14 March 2023

USkTO 10x10: Workshop 05 - Hasibush Shaheed

July 15-16, 2023

Draw the Shapes: A Quick Value Sketch With Markers

Workshop Description

In this workshop we will learn the importance of values and understanding of shapes. We will  focus on primary or larger shapes instead of smaller details to produce a believable illustration of what they see, within a limited range of values or shades.

Students with no experience can take this workshop as it is designed as a fundamental instruction on marker rendering with greys.

Learning Goals

We will work on some basic shapes and color them up with different values. Later on we will experiment with some photographs to practice the techniques.

At the final stage, students will be sketching live within an urban context.

Aside from the rendering techniques, students will be trained with the knowledge of composition and sense of proportion.

Workshop Schedule

First Hour

0-30 minutes 

  • Discussion about shapes and values
  • Markers as rendering media and general composition 

30-60 minutes

  • Practice shading different shapes with markers

Second Hour

0-30 minutes 

  • Rendering with marker with simplified shapes using a reference photo

30-60 minutes

  • Using the same technique sketching live from a urban set up 

Third Hour

  • Student will continue with the sketch for 45 minutes
  • Last 15 min will be feedback and critique on each drawing

Supply List

  • Copic Sketch  Markers:  W-1, W -3, W-5, W -7  
  • 1 Strathmore Marker pad. ( 6in. x 8 in.)

Meet Your Instructor

I love sketching. I started sketching in 1996, I had a study trip to India as a student of architecture. It does not matter what tools or media I need to do the sketch — it can be pencil, charcoal, markers, ballpoint pen or watercolour. My idea is to capture the moment with people and the environment I am  surrounded with. To capture the essence of light, colour, material or texture of any subject that I want to record in my sketchbook. The purpose of joining a group was to share and improve the skill that I already had and inspire new sketchers to cherish the beautiful urban set up we have around us.

I was an art instructor at BRAC university, Bangladesh. I used to demonstrate the sketching technique for the students of architecture. In Singapore at Raffle design school, I  taught my Interior Design students how to render with markers. In Canada I had some workshops demonstrating watercolour techniques for Waterloo and Kitchener Urban sketchers group, Toronto Watercolour Society.



In partnership with the St. Lawrence Market Neighborhood BIA in Old Town Toronto

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