Tuesday 14 March 2023

USkTO 10x10: Workshop 07 - Mary Jo Ernst

July 15-16, 2023

Simplify With Soluble Ink

Workshop Description

In this class we will learn to capture a moment or scene on location quickly using only a water brush, a blue soluble ink Pilot pen, white highlighter, and a sketchbook.

Learning Goals

In this class we will learn to capture a moment or scene on location quickly using only a water brush, a blue soluble ink Pilot pen, white highlighter, and a sketchbook.

Workshop Schedule

(5 mins)

The course will begin with an overview of what will be covered and supplies used. Students will leave the class having learned how to assemble an easy, inexpensive set up and expanded strategies to create more balance, drama, and movement in their artwork.


Discussion of variables when using soluble ink (30 mins)

  • Setup
  • Ink Properties
  • Paper
  • Line Work
  • Values

15 min demo

Instructor will show the benefits of the soluble Pilot pen and the types of lines that result in a successful expressive sketch.

30 mins; independent sketch

Students will do their own line practice and work from the handout.

20 min in-depth demo

Instructor will show the importance of value, deepening the darks and finishing with the white highlighter.


Troubleshoot for anyone who needs help.

Participants will have at least 1.5 hours of independent sketching.

Supply List

  1. Pentel water brushes
  2. White highlighter- Posca or Molotov
  3. Soluble Inks
  4. Sketchbook

Meet Your Instructor

I joined USk Chicago in 2016 and soon became a Chapter Admin. I love being part of this supportive and generous group of artists. I use a variety of mediums however soluble inks and fountains are my biggest interest.  I like to sketch fast and move around to get as many captures of time and place as I can. Inks, especially soluble, are the perfect medium due to the easy, simple set up. Soluble inks allow spontaneity and many times, an unexpected result which in turn takes the pressure off to create a “perfect”.  I love to teach others how to carry little and create more. It is never too late to learn something new.

I first taught in 2018 at the CHICAGO PEN SHOW, followed by teaching a fountain pen and a ink workshop at the 2018 and 2019 Usk Chicago Sketch seminar, and teach various art classes at the White Lake Arts Center in West Michigan.



In partnership with the St. Lawrence Market Neighborhood BIA in Old Town Toronto

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