Tuesday, 22 August 2023

Sketching the Junction Sidewalk Sale


We will be sketching the Junction neighbourhood’s annual Sidewalk Sale on Saturday, September 9, 2023. Sketchers are encouraged to participate in the ARTiculations Sketch the Junction Competition, however, this is not mandatory. Our meetup is free.
**IMPORTANT: Please note, participation in this meetup DOES NOT entail being entered in the ARTiculations Competition or inclusion in their exhibit. Participation in the competition and exhibit will require your individual registration on their website (last day to register online is Sept 8, or register in-store Sept 9) https://www.articulations.ca/sketch-the-junction...
Our very own Isabel Santos will be adjudicating in the competition! Those who are registered participants of the ARTiculations Sketch the Junction Competition can choose to have their sketch exhibited at the ARTiculations Sketch the Junction Exhibition September 12-October 14,2023 which will include a special USkTO feature.
Address: ARTiculations, 2802 Dundas St W
When: Sept 9, 12-5pm
Host: Natalie Carvajal
The Junction is an interesting, eventful area with lots of building and people sketching inspiration potential during the Sidewalk Sale. We will meet at 12pm in front of ARTiculations and meet up there again for the throwdown at 5pm.
Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, 8 August 2023

Sketching at Osgoode Hall [Private Tour + MeetUp]


Everyone is welcome to join us sketching outdoors after the tour (shortly after noon.)
**IMPORTANT** The interior private tour of Osgoode Hall is a ticketed event and limited to 20 sketchers. If you wish to take part in the tour please reserve your ticket here:
If you cannot attend, please cancel so someone else can enjoy the opportunity!
About this event
Where: Osgoode Hall
Address: 130 Queen Street West Toronto, ON M5H 2N6 (NE corner of Queen & University)
Host: Diana Basciano
Private Tour - 11:00am
Osgoode Hall staff will be giving us a private 1 hour tour of their beautiful interior.
We will meet outside the front doors of Osgoode Hall. The tour will start promptly at 11:00am so please arrive 10min early to allow time to clear security and assemble in the rotunda.
Sketch Meetup - 12:00
We will sketch outdoors on the Osgoode Hall property beginning shortly after noon with throwdown at about 2:30.
**IMPORTANT** Please reserve your ticket in advance for the private tour! At the request of the Osgoode Hall, spots are limited to 20 USkTO sketchers for the interior tour. If you cannot attend, please cancel so someone else can enjoy the opportunity!