Thursday 15 February 2024

Sketching at the ROM's "Third Tuesday Night Free"


Come sketch with us again at ROM’S Free Third Tuesday! They have some great special exhibits on right now, including “Death: Life’s Greatest Mystery”. Their regular exhibits are also always very sketchable. 

Please enter the museum at your leisure as this free event opens at 4:30pm and there are no tickets, entry is first come first served and you will be responsible for your own admission. 
Where: Royal Ontario Museum (ROM)
Address: 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto
When: 6pm-8pm

6pm - At our sketch meetup starting time we will meet in the main courtyard with the dinosaurs and do a quick meet and greet/intro
6:15pm - disperse to sketch individually or small groups depending on preference. 
8pm - We’ll meet up at the dinosaur for the throwdown to share our sketches.

As this is a museum please use discretion with seating and materials. Do not impede pedestrian traffic. The ROM permits dry materials only; pencils, coloured pencils, and crayons are allowed. Paints and permanent markers are prohibited. 

More info on Third Tuesday Night Free:

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